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About Us
Message from the Board of Directors
Company Profile
Vision / Mission
Management Structure
Corporate Organization
Board of Directors
Management of the Company
Responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board
Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer
Nature of Business
Business Structure
Major Shareholders
Products & Services
Products & Services Overview
Network Solutions Business Group
Enhanced Technology Solutions Business Group
Business Application Business Group
News & Events
Business News
CSR & Sustainability
Samart Group News
Investor Relations
Company Overview
Financial Information
Financial Summary
Financial Ratio
Revenue Structure
Financial Statements
Quarterly Reports
Annual Registration Statement/Annual Report (Form 56-1 One Report)
Annual Reports
Form 56-1
Connected Transaction (3 Years Comparing)
The Shareholder’s Meeting
Invitation to Meeting of Shareholders
Minutes of Shareholders
SET Disclosure
Electronic Advertisement
Ethics of Investor Relations
Investor Relations Contact
Proposal of additional agenda and question prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder
Proposal for shareholders’ meeting additional agenda Samart Telcoms PCL.
Proposal for shareholders’ meeting form Samart Telcoms PCL.
Proposal Criteria
Question Form
Information for Warrant Holder SAMTEL-W1
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Policy
Business Ethics
Sustainability Development Policy
Environment Policy
Human Rights Policy
Personnel Management and Development Policy
Risk Management Policy
Conflict of Interests
Charter of the Board of Directors
Committee Charter
Report of the Committees
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Company Secretary
Qualifications of the Company Secretary
Roles and responsibilities of the Company Secretary
Corporate Secretary Profile
Contact the Company Secretary
Customer Service
Contact Us
Location Map
Suggestions and Complaints
Slide 1
Investor Relations
Question Form
To submit questions about the company.
Name – Surname
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UK (+44)
USA / Canada (+1)
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Anguilla (+1264)
Antigua & Barbuda (+1268)
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Belize (+501)
Benin (+229)
Bermuda (+1441)
Bhutan (+975)
Bolivia (+591)
Bosnia Herzegovina (+387)
Botswana (+267)
Brazil (+55)
Brunei (+673)
Bulgaria (+359)
Burkina Faso (+226)
Burundi (+257)
Cambodia (+855)
Cameroon (+237)
Cape Verde Islands (+238)
Cayman Islands (+1345)
Central African Republic (+236)
Chile (+56)
China (+86)
Colombia (+57)
Comoros (+269)
Congo (+242)
Cook Islands (+682)
Costa Rica (+506)
Croatia (+385)
Cuba (+53)
Cyprus North (+90392)
Cyprus South (+357)
Czech Republic (+420)
Denmark (+45)
Djibouti (+253)
Dominica (+1809)
Dominican Republic (+1809)
Ecuador (+593)
Egypt (+20)
El Salvador (+503)
Equatorial Guinea (+240)
Eritrea (+291)
Estonia (+372)
Ethiopia (+251)
Falkland Islands (+500)
Faroe Islands (+298)
Fiji (+679)
Finland (+358)
France (+33)
French Guiana (+594)
French Polynesia (+689)
Gabon (+241)
Gambia (+220)
Georgia (+7880)
Germany (+49)
Ghana (+233)
Gibraltar (+350)
Greece (+30)
Greenland (+299)
Grenada (+1473)
Guadeloupe (+590)
Guam (+671)
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Guinea (+224)
Guinea – Bissau (+245)
Guyana (+592)
Haiti (+509)
Honduras (+504)
Hong Kong (+852)
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India (+91)
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Iran (+98)
Iraq (+964)
Ireland (+353)
Israel (+972)
Italy (+39)
Jamaica (+1876)
Japan (+81)
Jordan (+962)
Kazakhstan (+7)
Kenya (+254)
Kiribati (+686)
Korea North (+850)
Korea South (+82)
Kuwait (+965)
Kyrgyzstan (+996)
Laos (+856)
Latvia (+371)
Lebanon (+961)
Lesotho (+266)
Liberia (+231)
Libya (+218)
Liechtenstein (+417)
Lithuania (+370)
Luxembourg (+352)
Macao (+853)
Macedonia (+389)
Madagascar (+261)
Malawi (+265)
Malaysia (+60)
Maldives (+960)
Mali (+223)
Malta (+356)
Marshall Islands (+692)
Martinique (+596)
Mauritania (+222)
Mayotte (+269)
Mexico (+52)
Micronesia (+691)
Moldova (+373)
Monaco (+377)
Mongolia (+976)
Montserrat (+1664)
Morocco (+212)
Mozambique (+258)
Myanmar (+95)
Namibia (+264)
Nauru (+674)
Nepal (+977)
Netherlands (+31)
New Caledonia (+687)
New Zealand (+64)
Nicaragua (+505)
Niger (+227)
Nigeria (+234)
Niue (+683)
Norfolk Islands (+672)
Northern Marianas (+670)
Norway (+47)
Oman (+968)
Palau (+680)
Panama (+507)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Paraguay (+595)
Peru (+51)
Philippines (+63)
Poland (+48)
Portugal (+351)
Puerto Rico (+1787)
Qatar (+974)
Reunion (+262)
Romania (+40)
Russia (+7)
Rwanda (+250)
San Marino (+378)
Sao Tome & Principe (+239)
Saudi Arabia (+966)
Senegal (+221)
Serbia (+381)
Seychelles (+248)
Sierra Leone (+232)
Singapore (+65)
Slovak Republic (+421)
Slovenia (+386)
Solomon Islands (+677)
Somalia (+252)
South Africa (+27)
Spain (+34)
Sri Lanka (+94)
St. Helena (+290)
St. Kitts (+1869)
St. Lucia (+1758)
Sudan (+249)
Suriname (+597)
Swaziland (+268)
Sweden (+46)
Switzerland (+41)
Syria (+963)
Taiwan (+886)
Tajikstan (+7)
Thailand (+66)
Togo (+228)
Tonga (+676)
Trinidad & Tobago (+1868)
Tunisia (+216)
Turkey (+90)
Turkmenistan (+7)
Turkmenistan (+993)
Turks & Caicos Islands (+1649)
Tuvalu (+688)
Uganda (+256)
Ukraine (+380)
United Arab Emirates (+971)
Uruguay (+598)
Uzbekistan (+7)
Vanuatu (+678)
Vatican City (+379)
Venezuela (+58)
Vietnam (+84)
Virgin Islands – British (+1284)
Virgin Islands – US (+1340)
Wallis & Futuna (+681)
Yemen (North)(+969)
Yemen (South)(+967)
Zambia (+260)
Zimbabwe (+263)
UK (+44)
USA / Canada (+1)
Algeria (+213)
Andorra (+376)
Angola (+244)
Anguilla (+1264)
Antigua & Barbuda (+1268)
Argentina (+54)
Armenia (+374)
Aruba (+297)
Australia (+61)
Austria (+43)
Azerbaijan (+994)
Bahamas (+1242)
Bahrain (+973)
Bangladesh (+880)
Barbados (+1246)
Belarus (+375)
Belgium (+32)
Belize (+501)
Benin (+229)
Bermuda (+1441)
Bhutan (+975)
Bolivia (+591)
Bosnia Herzegovina (+387)
Botswana (+267)
Brazil (+55)
Brunei (+673)
Bulgaria (+359)
Burkina Faso (+226)
Burundi (+257)
Cambodia (+855)
Cameroon (+237)
Cape Verde Islands (+238)
Cayman Islands (+1345)
Central African Republic (+236)
Chile (+56)
China (+86)
Colombia (+57)
Comoros (+269)
Congo (+242)
Cook Islands (+682)
Costa Rica (+506)
Croatia (+385)
Cuba (+53)
Cyprus North (+90392)
Cyprus South (+357)
Czech Republic (+420)
Denmark (+45)
Djibouti (+253)
Dominica (+1809)
Dominican Republic (+1809)
Ecuador (+593)
Egypt (+20)
El Salvador (+503)
Equatorial Guinea (+240)
Eritrea (+291)
Estonia (+372)
Ethiopia (+251)
Falkland Islands (+500)
Faroe Islands (+298)
Fiji (+679)
Finland (+358)
France (+33)
French Guiana (+594)
French Polynesia (+689)
Gabon (+241)
Gambia (+220)
Georgia (+7880)
Germany (+49)
Ghana (+233)
Gibraltar (+350)
Greece (+30)
Greenland (+299)
Grenada (+1473)
Guadeloupe (+590)
Guam (+671)
Guatemala (+502)
Guinea (+224)
Guinea – Bissau (+245)
Guyana (+592)
Haiti (+509)
Honduras (+504)
Hong Kong (+852)
Hungary (+36)
Iceland (+354)
India (+91)
Indonesia (+62)
Iran (+98)
Iraq (+964)
Ireland (+353)
Israel (+972)
Italy (+39)
Jamaica (+1876)
Japan (+81)
Jordan (+962)
Kazakhstan (+7)
Kenya (+254)
Kiribati (+686)
Korea North (+850)
Korea South (+82)
Kuwait (+965)
Kyrgyzstan (+996)
Laos (+856)
Latvia (+371)
Lebanon (+961)
Lesotho (+266)
Liberia (+231)
Libya (+218)
Liechtenstein (+417)
Lithuania (+370)
Luxembourg (+352)
Macao (+853)
Macedonia (+389)
Madagascar (+261)
Malawi (+265)
Malaysia (+60)
Maldives (+960)
Mali (+223)
Malta (+356)
Marshall Islands (+692)
Martinique (+596)
Mauritania (+222)
Mayotte (+269)
Mexico (+52)
Micronesia (+691)
Moldova (+373)
Monaco (+377)
Mongolia (+976)
Montserrat (+1664)
Morocco (+212)
Mozambique (+258)
Myanmar (+95)
Namibia (+264)
Nauru (+674)
Nepal (+977)
Netherlands (+31)
New Caledonia (+687)
New Zealand (+64)
Nicaragua (+505)
Niger (+227)
Nigeria (+234)
Niue (+683)
Norfolk Islands (+672)
Northern Marianas (+670)
Norway (+47)
Oman (+968)
Palau (+680)
Panama (+507)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Paraguay (+595)
Peru (+51)
Philippines (+63)
Poland (+48)
Portugal (+351)
Puerto Rico (+1787)
Qatar (+974)
Reunion (+262)
Romania (+40)
Russia (+7)
Rwanda (+250)
San Marino (+378)
Sao Tome & Principe (+239)
Saudi Arabia (+966)
Senegal (+221)
Serbia (+381)
Seychelles (+248)
Sierra Leone (+232)
Singapore (+65)
Slovak Republic (+421)
Slovenia (+386)
Solomon Islands (+677)
Somalia (+252)
South Africa (+27)
Spain (+34)
Sri Lanka (+94)
St. Helena (+290)
St. Kitts (+1869)
St. Lucia (+1758)
Sudan (+249)
Suriname (+597)
Swaziland (+268)
Sweden (+46)
Switzerland (+41)
Syria (+963)
Taiwan (+886)
Tajikstan (+7)
Thailand (+66)
Togo (+228)
Tonga (+676)
Trinidad & Tobago (+1868)
Tunisia (+216)
Turkey (+90)
Turkmenistan (+7)
Turkmenistan (+993)
Turks & Caicos Islands (+1649)
Tuvalu (+688)
Uganda (+256)
Ukraine (+380)
United Arab Emirates (+971)
Uruguay (+598)
Uzbekistan (+7)
Vanuatu (+678)
Vatican City (+379)
Venezuela (+58)
Vietnam (+84)
Virgin Islands – British (+1284)
Virgin Islands – US (+1340)
Wallis & Futuna (+681)
Yemen (North)(+969)
Yemen (South)(+967)
Zambia (+260)
Zimbabwe (+263)
Amount of Shares
At Date
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